5.2.2 IR Operations
1) IR Matrix Switching
The 8 “IR OUT” ports and the 8 “IR IN” ports on the far-end receivers make up an 8x8 IR matrix. See as below:
IR Matrix
The IR signal is sent by corresponding IR remote, then it is transferred to HDBaseT receiver, then to
corresponding zone of the matrix through the twisted pair, finally it is transferred to IR OUT port and received by
controlled device.
Switching Operation: (8 IR IN ports correspond with 8 HDMI input ports separately in default mode.)
a) Sending command (reference to 4.3 RS232 Control): [x1]R[x2].
x1: Corresponding to the 8 IR OUT ports of the matrix, the IR transmitter connected to this port can be
placed at IR receiving area of output device or AVG-UHMS88 itself.
x2: Corresponding to the zone (receive IR signal from HDBaseT receiver with IR IN port connects with IR
receiver) number of AVG-UHMS88.
Example: Send command “3R2.” to transfer IR signal received from zone 2 to IR OUT port 3.
Note: When switching all the 8 IR input signal channels to the same IR out channel, it is not able to control
the 8 far-end IR receivers at the same time.
2) Force Carrier
a) Only if the IR receiver connected to HDBaseT receiver is with IR carrier, can the received IR signal be
transferred to IR OUT port of the matrix.
b) Only if the IR receiver connected to IR ALL IN port of the matrix is with IR carrier, can the received IR signal
be transferred to IR OUT port of the matrix.
If the IR receiver connected with HDBaseT receiver or IR ALL IN port of the matrix is not with IR carrier, send
the command “%0901.” to enter infrared carrier enforcing mode, and then IR signal can be transferred to IR
OUT port.