4.7. Custom Installation - Component Selection
The Component Selection dialog displays an overview of all AVG components that
can be installed. If the default settings do not suit you, you can remove/add specific
However, you can only select from components that are included in your
purchased AVG edition. Only those components will be offered to be installed
within the Component Selection dialog!
Web Shield is a type of a real time resident protection; it scans the content of
visited web pages (and possible files included in them) even before these are
displayed in your web browser or downloaded to your computer.
LinkScanner cooperates with Internet Explorer and Firefox (1.5 and newer). It
prevents you from accidentally becoming infected by drive-by downloads and other
exploits as well as delivers a real-time safety verdict on all search results.
Remote Control Communication Library - if you intend to connect AVG to an
AVG DataCenter (AVG Network Editions), then you need to select this option.
Additional Installed Languages - you can define which language(s) AVG should
be installed in. Check the Additional installed languages item and then select the
desired languages from the respective menu.
E-mail Scanner - E-mail scanning provided by AVG 8.5 File Server is only suitable