When to update files
In this section you can select between two alternative options:
can be
scheduled for the next PC restart or you can launch the
immediately. By
default, the immediate update option is selected since this way AVG can secure the
maximum safety level. Scheduling an update for the next PC restart can only be
recommended if you are sure the computer gets restarted regularly, at least daily.
If you decide to keep the default configuration and launch the update process
immediately, you can specify the circumstances under which a possible required
restart should be performed:
Require confirmation from the user - you will be asked to approve a PC
restart needed to finalize the
update process
Restart immediately - the computer will be restarted automatically
immediately after the
update process
has finished, and your approval will not
be required
Complete at next computer restart - the
update process
finalization will be
postponed until the next computer restart - again, please keep in mind that
this option is only recommended if you can be sure the computer gets
restarted regularly, at least daily
Additional update options
Build new system restore point after each program update - before
each AVG program update launch, a system restore point is created. In case
the update process fails and your operating system crashes you can always
restore your OS in its original configuration from this point. This option is
accessible via Start / All Programs / Accessories / System tools / System
Restore, but any changes can be recommended to experienced users only!
Keep this check-box ticked if you want to make use of this functionality.
Use DNS update - mark this check box to confirm you want to use the
update files detection method that eliminates data amount transferred
between the update server and AVG client;
Require confirmation to close running applications item (switched on by
default) will help you make sure no currently running applications will be
closed without your permission - if required for the update process to be