Preventing duplicate audio streams on Avaya Spaces application
About this task
For a smooth audio experience, prevent duplicate audio streams. You can establish an audio
session to Avaya Spaces using Avaya J100 Series IP Phones and use the Avaya Spaces
application on your computer to view the presentation. To prevent duplicate audio session on your
Avaya Spaces application, use this procedure.
1. Log on to Avaya Spaces application on your computer.
2. On application screen, click on the display name.
3. Select
User Preferences
4. On the left panel, select
Meeting defaults
5. Toggle to enable
Show preview when joining
6. Join a meeting on spaces from your computer.
7. On the Preview screen, click
Other join options
Join By Phone
8. On the Join Presentation Mode, follow the screen instructions.
You join the Avaya Spaces meeting as a view-only participant on your computer without
using an audio and video session.
The audio session is established on your phone.
Related links
Avaya Spaces Calendar integration
Avaya Spaces Calendar integration
December 2021
Using Avaya J139 SIP IP Phone in Open SIP