Chapter 1 CallPilot Fax User Guide
Telling callers about fax in your mailbox greeting
In your mailbox greeting, tell callers that they can leave fax messages in your mailbox. Tell callers
that they must call from a fax machine telephone to send you a fax message. The caller must press
START/SEND on the fax machine. CallPilot automatically receives and stores the fax message in
your mailbox. This is an example of a Personal mailbox greeting:
Hello. You have reached Brian Purdy with Ideal Office Machines. I am in the office today, but I
am currently away from the phone. Please leave your name, telephone number and a brief
message after the tone. If you want to send me a fax and you are calling from a fax machine
telephone, press the START/SEND button on the fax machine now, or when this message ends.”
For more information about mailbox greetings, see the
CallPilot Reference Guide
or ask your
System Administrator.
Recorded greetings count towards the storage capacity of a mailbox. Avoid
recording long greetings if possible. If recorded greetings are long, there will be less
storage time in the mailbox for messages.