Azimuth adjustment
M-zero obs standard
The azimuth regulation is performed in a
similar manner, using both hands to turn the
other two adjustment knobs in opposite
directions simultaneously. When a knob is
rotated in one direction the other is rotated in
the opposite direction. Turn them so that the
screws attached to the knobs press against the
brass adjustment post and move the mount to
the right or left by a small amount. The
azimuth adjustment knobs are those positioned
on both sides of the mount as seen in the
picture on the right.
in order to allow the amount rotation
for the Azimuth adjustment, the three mount
fixing knobs must be slightly loosened.
M-zero obs with Optional Motorized Polar Alignment kit
In order to move the Alt/Az motors it is
required the connection between the motors
plug and the StarGo aux 1 and aux 2
connectors. For sample puropse, the image on
the right show the cable connection with the
StarGo Control Box placed on the pier.
The Alt/Az motors can be controlled:
- with the FOCUS +/- buttons on the StarGo
keypad. The keypad also allow the to switch
directly from the keypad the control from the
Aux 1 to the Aux 2 port (see page 11 StarGo
User Manual).
- With the StarGo software by using the AUX
panel and the POLAR ALIGNMENT tool (see
page 30 StarGo User Manual and APPENDIX
A of the M-zero OBS User Manual)
NOTE for the M-zero obs with the Optional Motorized Polar Alignment kit:
In order to
allow the mount free rotation on the Azimuth, being at the same time firmly assembled on the
base flange, the three bolts must be tightned with the correct pressure.
This adjustment it is performed from the factory. So in case the mount will be disassembled
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