different brands. This app and others that can be downloaded are able to accurately reproduce
the reticle of the M-zero’s polar-scope as well as the reticle of the optional Losmandy polar-
scope. The “Polar Finder” app is flexible and able to replicate a variety of the more common
reticles suitable for use in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, including the types of reticles
available for the M-zero.
The following figures illustrate the Android “Polar Finder” app replicating M-zero and
Losmandy polar-scope reticles.
Polar Finder Preferences Classical Reticle Layout
The “Polar Finder” app also takes the observation site’s geographical coordinates from the
Android device’s internal GPS if available. If the device has no internal GPS the geographical
coordinates of the site must be manually entered. The additional features of the Android app are
similar to those provided by the iOS app but the reticules more closely resemble those available
for the M-zero.
5.4.4 More modern and precise approaches to Polar Alignment
In the last years a special CCD camera has been commercialised, called Polemaster, to perform
a very precise polar alignment using an expressly developed software (requiring therefore a
Windows or Mac PC that, however should be available for the successive astrophotography
That CCD must be firmly installed on the mount keeping a good parallelism with the polar axis
of the mount itself.
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