DPM3 User Manual, 1st Edition
User Manual - DPM3 Series Panel Meters
Reading units in degree Celsius “ºC” or Fahrenheit “ºF”.
Resolution in tenth of degrees “0.1º” or in whole degrees “1º”.
Offset. The instrument comes from factory with offset=0
After entering these parameters, the display range and linearization are adjusted automatically.
Thermocouple Input
When configuring the meter for thermocouple input, the temperature ranges and resolution
available are:
Range (res. 0.1°)
Range (res. 1°)
Thermocouple J
-150.0 to +1100.0°C
-150 to +1100°C
-238.0 to +2012.0°F
-238 to +2012°F
Thermocouple K
-150.0 to +1200.0°C
-150 to +1200°C
-238.0 to +2192.0°F
-238 to +2192°F
Thermocouple T
-200.0 to +400.0°C
-200 to +400°C
-328.0 to +752.0°F
-328 to +752°F
Thermocouple N
-150.0 to +1300.0°C
-150 to +1300°C
-238.0 to +2372.0°F
-238 to +2372°F
The thermocouple menu allows selection among several types of thermocouples, temperature
units (Celsius or Fahrenheit), resolution (degree or tenth of degrees) and a display offset. Offset
value is programmed for a known difference between the temperature under measurement and
the temperature read by the sensor. This difference can be corrected by programming an offset
from -19.9 to +99.9.
LED TARE will light up each time that an offset value is programmed.
In a process of temperature control the thermocouple sensor is located in a part of the process
where temperature is 5 degrees below than the point where the control has to be done. By
programming an offset of 5 points, with 1 degree resolution, the deviation will be corrected.
Configurable parameters for this input are:
Thermocouple type [J, K, T, N].
Reading units in degree Celsius “°C” or Fahrenheit “°F”.
Resolution in tenth of degrees “0.1°” or in whole degrees “1°”.
Offset. The instrument comes from factory with offset=0
After introducing these parameters, the display range and linearization for the selected
thermocouple input are adjusted automatically.