Technical Manual
The information contained in this document is the property of Automatic Systems
and is confidential. The recipient shall refrain from using it for any purpose other
than for the use of the products or the execution of the project to which it refers
and from communicating it to third parties without prior written agreement from
Automatic Systems. The document is subject to change without notice.
5.14. Prolonged stop / disposal
If the equipment is not used for a long period of time, the following suggestions should be applied:
Maintain the equipment in the same conditions as those recommended in section 3.2.
Keep it powered on to maintain a constant temperature in the canopy; this avoids condensation
problems and prevents oil from congealing in the speed reduction unit.
: If the equipment was stored without power, it is important to warm it up before turning it on
if the ambient temperature is below 5°F (-15°C). The optional heating system must be activated
a minimum of 30 minutes before powering up the equipment.
When the equipment is taken out of service, dispose of the components (metal, glass, electronic
components, etc.) in the appropriate manner and in accordance with applicable legislation.