‘Encoder Setup’
Wheel circumference – this is the size of the knurled wheel on the surface of
the board.
Nominal setting is 200.0mm. A larger setting, say 200.4, will make all box
panels smaller.
‘Calibrate Screen’
Carefully touch each target as it appears on the screen to automatically
synchronise each target to the area touched.
‘Move Test’
This is normally only used by Autobox engineers to check encoder
calibration. Touch ‘Switch Controller Off’ and push a suitable length of
board into the machine. Select ‘Board Encoder’ or ‘Motor Encoder’. Select
suitable Move Distance, Accel/Decel rate and Board Speed (Nominal 50%).
Touch ‘Start Move’ to check distance moved.
‘Burn In’
This is a repetitive cycle to ‘bed in’ the motor drive and the blades/knives.
When started, the roller will turn for one second then stop, the blades will
chop and the cycle will repeat until the ‘Stop’ button is touched.
‘Cutter Setup’
Blade Drive – Select 1 for All-Electric or 2 for pneumatic.
Cut Pre Time – This is the time, in ms, that the blade is triggered before the
board actually stops travelling.
Pause for Slot – The time, in ms, that the machine pauses for the blade cycle.
Nominal 350ms for electric blade drive.
Solenoid – The time, in ms, that the solenoid is energised Nominal 100ms.
Note: For pneumatic drive ‘Pause’ and ‘Solenoid’ are 0 as the blade is controlled by cylinder