Table 28:
Warnings and Out of specification
Indication on display
Press push button
to display a list of indi-
vidual indications.
For a description of the individual signals, refer to
Manual (Operation and setting).
Collective signal 06:
Possible cause:
Configuration setting is incorrect.
The device can still be operated with restrictions.
Config. warning
Press push button
to display a list of indi-
vidual indications.
For a description of the individual signals, refer to
Manual (Operation and setting).
Collective signal 15:
Device warnings
The device can still be operated with restrictions.
Internal warning
Check 24 V DC voltage supply.
The external 24 V DC voltage supply of the controls
has exceeded the power supply limits.
24 V DC external
Check modulating behaviour of actuator.
Check parameter
Perm. run time M0356
, re-set
if required.
Warning on time max. running time/h exceeded
Wrn op.mode run time
Check modulating behaviour of actuator.
Check parameter
Permissible starts M0357
, re-
set if required.
Warning on time max. number of motor starts
(starts) exceeded
Wrn op.mode starts
Verify signals:
Setpoint E1
Actual value E2
Actual process value E4
Check connection to master.
Check (clear) status of master.
The failure behaviour is active since all required
setpoints and actual values are incorrect.
Failure behav. active
Check wiring.
Warning: Loss of signal analogue input 1
Wrn input AIN 1
Check wiring.
Warning: Loss of signal analogue input 2
Wrn input AIN 2
Check setpoint signal.
Warning: Loss of signal setpoint position
Possible causes:
For an adjusted setpoint range of e.g. 4 – 20 mA,
the input signal is 0 (signal loss).
For a setpoint range of 0 – 20 mA , monitoring is
not possible.
Wrn setpoint position
The warning indications are automatically cleared
once a new operation command is executed.
Check valve.
Check parameter
Perm.op. time, manual
The set time (parameter
Perm.op. time, manual
) has been exceeded. The preset operating
time is exceeded for a complete travel from end
position OPEN to end position CLOSED.
Op. time warning
Measure/reduce ambient temperature.
Temperature within controls housing too high.
Wrn controls temp.
Set time.
Real time clock has not yet been set.
Time not set
Replace button cell.
Voltage of the RTC button cell is too low.
RTC voltage
Check actuator (PVST settings).
Partial Valve Stroke Test (PVST) could not be suc-
cessfully completed.
PVST fault
Perform RESET or restart PVST.
Partial Valve Stroke Test (PVST) was aborted or
could not be started.
PVST abort
Check movement at actuator.
Check parameter
Reaction time M0634
No actuator reaction to operation commands within
the set reaction time.
Wrn no reaction
Check parameter
Wrn torque OPEN M0768
, re-set
if required.
Limit value for torque warning in direction OPEN
Torque wrn OPEN
Check parameter
Wrn torque CLOSE M0769
, re-
set if required.
Limit value for torque warning in direction CLOSE
Torque wrn CLOSE
Refer to separate Manual Functional Safety.
SIL sub-assembly fault has occurred.
SIL fault
SA 07.2-UW – SA 16.2-UW / SAR 07.2-UW – SAR 16.2-UW Control unit: electronic (MWG)
AC 01.2 Non-Intrusive Profinet
Corrective action