15 / 26
LO Setpoint
User can select relay 1 low setpoint percentage value
between 0 to 100 % depending on the 4~20mA input
the level controller is receiving. This value should be
less than LO setpoint otherwise controller will not
accept the value.
Menu Button Insert Password Downward
Button Enter Button Relay 1 Setting
Button Downward Button LO Setpoint
Invert Logic
User can invert the HI and LO setpoint logic for relay
2 using this option. This will invert the Auto Mode
logic for use whenever required. Before making it ON
user must ensure the setpoint values, span values for
Relay 1 and its corresponding channel.
Menu Button Insert Password Downward
Button Enter Button Relay 2 Setting
Button Downward Button Invert Logic
G Auto Mode 2
This sub menu can be used for time-based auto
operation of Relay 2. User can select relay 1 setting
on auto mode from this sub menu. This relay will
operate based on turn on time and turn off time
inserted by user. User will have to insert its required
turn on and turn off time for relay.
Pressing Enter button will turn ON/OFF this mode.
Menu Button Insert Password Downward Button Enter Button Relay 2
Enter Button Downward Button Auto Mode 2
H Turn ON Time
This sub menu can be used for time-based auto
operation of Relay 2. User will have to insert its
required relay turn ON time mentioning hours and
minutes. Use upward or downward button to select
required digit form 0-9 and forward button to switch
between hours and minutes.
Pressing Enter button will turn ON/OFF this mode.
Menu Button Insert Password Downward Button Enter Button Relay 2
Enter Button Downward Button Turn ON Time