38 • Oral Review
14. Whenever possible, what distance should the traffic pattern be flown
in a single-engine airplane?
15. For training and testing purposes, what speed should the airplane be
flown on short final when landing is assured?
16. What is the typical approximate altitude above the landing surface to
begin the roundout (flare)?
17. At what speed should the touchdown occur in a 172?
18. Define “managing energy”.
19. After landing, how long should the centerline be maintained?
20. After touchdown, what should be done with the aileron controls as the
airplane slows? Why?
21. What information should a visual approach briefing include?
22. What does an approach briefing accomplish?
23. Be able to articulate an example visual approach and landing briefing using
the example provided in the Supplement.
24. Define stabilized approach according to the Airplane Flying Handbook.
25. What are the general conditions for a stabilized approach?
26. What should a pilot do if the general conditions for a stabilized approach
don’t exist during an approach? What if an instructor is on board?
27. What is, in your opinion, the most important part of a stabilized approach?
28. What action should be taken if a pilot at 1000’ AGL maintaining a constant
angle glidepath is 10 knots too fast?