Instrument Procedures • 29
"After Takeoff Checklist"
if departing traffic pattern
Instrument Procedures
Precision Approach (ILS Approach)
1. Complete the
“Approach Checklist”
and identify the localizer as early as possible.
2. Slow to 85 KIAS on vectors or established on a published segment of the
3. Announce
“Localizer Alive”
when localizer begins moving toward center.
4. Announce
“Glideslope Alive”
when glideslope begins moving toward center.
5. Verify no flags at glideslope intercept altitude and marker.
6. ½ dot below glideslope intercept:
“Before Landing Checklist”
Reduce power to approx. 1500 RPM, and select flaps 10˚.
7. Select flaps 20˚ at glideslope intercept.
8. Descend on glideslope at 70 KIAS.
9. Announce at 1000' above DA:
“1000 to go.”
10. Announce at 100' above DA:
“100 To Go.”
ATP recommends selecting a final flap setting of 20˚ at
glideslope intercept to enable a stabilized approach and minimize
workload during the final approach segment. Flaps 30˚ may be
selected when landing is assured at the pilot’s discretion, but it is
not required.
No Later than 15 Mi. from Airport
• Approach Check
• Identify the localizer as early as possible
On Vectors or Published Segment
• Slow to 85 KIAS
Localizer Movement
Toward Center
“Localizer Alive”
Glideslope Movement
Toward Center
“Glideslope Alive”
• Verify no flags
½ Dot Below Glideslope
“Before Landing Checklist”
• Reduce power to
approx. 1500 RPM
• Select flaps 10˚
Glideslope Intercept
• Select Flaps 20˚
• Descend on glideslope
at 70 KIAS
1000' Above DA
“1000 to go”
100' Above DA
“100 to go”
The airplane is considered established inbound when the
localizer is alive.
• Touchdown on first 1000’ feet of the
runway at minimum controllable
• Maintain Centerline Until Taxi Speed
• Increase Crosswind Control Inputs
as Airplane Slows