26 • Landings
Develop the habit of applying full, proper crosswind control
inputs as the airplane slows during every landing rollout and
all taxi operations, regardless of how light the winds. Resist
the tendency to release the control inputs to neutral after
During windy conditions, adjust turns in the traffic pattern
as necessary to maintain the correct ground track and distance
from the runway. For example, a strong tailwind during the
downwind leg will blow the airplane too far from the runway if
the pilot waits until the 45˚ point to turn base. Instead, plan the
base turn early to remain the correct distance from the runway.
Crosswind Approach and Landing Profile
No Later Than 15 Mi. from Airport
"Approach Checklist"
• Verify Traffic Pattern Altitude
(Usually 1000’ above field elevation)
• On intended touchdown point
• Within the first 1000' feet of the
• At minimum controllable
Approx 10 Mi. from Airport
• Begin Slowing to 85 KIAS
• Plan Descent to Enter Traffic
Pattern in Level Flight at TPA (or
Overflight Altitude as Appropriate)
Approx 5 Mi. from Airport
• Maintain 85 KIAS
When Established on Downwind
• Crab as necessary to maintain
consistent ground track
• Complete the Before Landing Checklist
When Ready to Descend Out of Pattern
• Reduce Power to Approx. 1500 RPM
• Select flaps 10˚ (as required)•
Descend out of TPA at 75 KIAS
On Base
• Select Flaps 20˚
(as required)
• Maintain 70 KIAS
• Crab as necessary to
maintain consistent
ground track
On Final
• Crab as necessary to
maintain extended
centerline until 200’ AGL
• Maintain 70 KIAS +
1/2 gust factor until 10'
to 20' above the runway
Increase Crosswind
Control Inputs as
Airplane Slows
200' AGL
• Transition from crab to
wing-low sideslip technique
Centerline Until
Taxi Speed