Go-Around, Missed & Rejected Landing • 27
When Established on Downwind
• Crab as necessary to maintain
consistent ground track
• Complete the Before Landing Checklist
A go-around procedure must be initiated any time the conditions for a safe
approach and landing are not met. Some examples of unsatisfactory approach
and landing conditions are:
• unstable approach path or airspeed
• improper runway alignment
• unexpected hazards on the runway or on final
• anything that jeopardizes a safe approach and landing
Any time unsafe or unsatisfactory conditions are encountered, a go-around
must be immediately executed and another approach and landing should be
made under more favorable conditions.
Missed Approach
A missed approach is a maneuver conducted by a pilot when an instrument
approach cannot be completed to a landing. The pilot’s initial actions when
initiating a missed approach are the same as a go-around procedure.
Go-Around / Missed Approach Procedure
1. Increase throttle to full power.
2. Retract flaps to 20˚ (if > 20˚) while simultaneously;
3. Increase pitch to establish climb.
4. Retract flaps to 10˚ when airspeed is greater than 55 KIAS.
5. Establish V
or V
as appropriate.
6. Retract flaps to 0˚ when clear obstacles or accelerating through V
(if no obstacles)
“After Takeoff Checklist”
out of 1000’ AGL if departing the traffic pattern.
If the go-around or missed approach is due to conflicting traffic, maneuver as necessary during the climb
to clear and avoid conflicting traffic (usually to the side, flying parallel to the runway).
Decision to Go Around
• Increase throttle to full power.
• Retract flaps to 20˚ (if > 20˚) while
simultaneously; Increase pitch to
establish climb.
When airspeed > 55 KIAS.
• Retract flaps to 10˚
Establish V
or V
When clear obstacles or accelerating
through V
(if no obstacles)
• Retract flaps to 0˚
1000' AGL
"After Takeoff Checklist"
if departing traffic pattern
The terms go-around, missed approach, rejected landing, and
balked landing are often used interchangeably, but there are
Go-Around, Missed & Rejected