22 • Landings
No Flap Approach and Landing Profile
No Later Than 15 Mi. from Airport
"Approach Checklist"
• Verify Traffic Pattern Altitude
(Usually 1000’ above field elevation)
• On intended touchdown point
• Within the first 1000' feet of the runway
• At minimum controllable airspeed
Approx 10 Mi. from Airport
• Begin Slowing to 85 KIAS
• Plan Descent to Enter Traffic
Pattern in Level Flight at TPA
(or Overflight Altitude as
Approx 5 Mi. from Airport
• Maintain 85 KIAS
When Established on Downwind
• Complete the
"Before Landing Checklist"
When Ready to Descend Out of Pattern Altitude
• Reduce Power to Approx. 1300 RPM
• Slow to 70 KIAS
• Descend out of TPA at 70 KIAS
On Base
• Maintain 70 KIAS
On Final
• Slow to 65 KIAS
(landing assured)
• Maintain 65 KIAS until
10' to 20' above the
Maintain Centerline Until Taxi Speed
Increase Crosswind Control
Inputs as Airplane Slows
Reduced flap settings change the visual picture and result
in a higher angle of attack during the approach and a greater
distance between the aiming point and touchdown point.
No-Flap Approach and Landing
Steps 1-4 are identical to a normal approach and landing procedure.
5. When abeam touchdown point, on extended base, or on extended final
(when ready to descend out of pattern altitude):
Reduce power to approx. 1300 RPM.
6. Slow to 70 KIAS.
7. Descend out of TPA at 70 KIAS.
8. Slow to 65 KIAS on final when landing is assured.