Landings • 17
Flap Setting
The C172 Operations Manual p. 4-32 states: “Normal landing approaches can be
made with power on or power off with any flap setting desired. Surface winds
and air turbulence are usually the primary factors in determining the most
comfortable approach speeds.”
Students must be able to determine the best flap configuration and approach
speed given the landing conditions.
Seat Position
Correctly positioning the seat exactly the same for each flight improves landing
performance and safety.
The fore-aft adjustment is correct when the heels are on the floor with the balls
of the feet on the rudder pedals, not on the brakes. The feet should be at a 45˚
angle from the floor to the pedals and the pilot should be able apply full rudder
inputs without shifting their body weight. When braking is required, lift the foot
from the floor rather than keeping the leg suspended in the air or resting the
feet on the upper portion of the pedals.
The seat height should be adjusted so the pilot can see the curvature of the
cowling for the best sight picture during landing
Proper foot position helps prevent inadvertent brake
application during landings and ground operations.
For more information about proper landing technique,
"Land Like a Pro"
available on the ATP Flight School iPad
Flight School