Landings • 19
• Reduce Power –
Maintain 85 KIAS
(Approx. 2000 RPM)
300' Below TPA
• Turn Crosswind
Normal Approach and Landing
1. Complete the
“Approach Checklist”
before entering the airport area;
devote full attention to aircraft control and traffic avoidance.
2. Slow to 85 KIAS prior to entering downwind or traffic pattern.
3. Enter the traffic pattern at published TPA (typically 1000' AGL).
4. Complete the
“Before Landing Checklist”
when established on downwind.
5. When abeam touchdown point, on extended base, or on extended final
(when ready to descend out of pattern altitude):
Reduce power to approx. 1500 RPM and select flaps 10˚.
6. Descend out of TPA at 75 KIAS.
7. Select flaps 20˚ and slow to 70 KIAS on base leg.
8. Select flaps 30˚ and slow to 65 KIAS on final when landing is assured.
Getting ATIS, briefing the approach, and the Approach
Checklist should be completed no later than 15 miles from the
airport. Accomplishing these tasks as early as possible creates
more time to focus on aircraft control and collision avoidance
in the busy airport environment. During training flights when
maneuvering near an airport, get ATIS, brief, and complete the
Approach Checklist as soon as the decision is made to return to
the airport. Don’t wait!