The following parameters of the telegram to be transmitted can be determined in this menu:
Data rate can be set between 0.5Kbit/s to 40Kbit/s in 1Kbit/s step
Preburst can be defined between 8 bits to 1000 bits in 8 bit step
Testword is the data content of the telegram up to 4 data bytes length.
All the information in this menu is based on the Manchester coding scheme.
Programmable Push Buttons:
This section lists the possible functions of the three buttons on board:
Single telegram
Continuous telegram
Single pattern
Continuous pattern
Continuous preburst
Continuous carrier (unmodulated)
For the pattern, the following parameters can be set:
Data rate can be set between 0.5Kbit/s to 40Kbit/s in 1Kbit/s step,
Pattern length can be set between 8 bits to 256 bits in 8 bits step
Pattern data
The construction of the Pattern consist only of the determined bits due to the configuration of the Pattern menu,
so without Preburst the pattern configuration is not Manchester coded.
If this menu is selected, a simple illustration of the application circuit of the ATA5749 is displayed (see
Figure 2-10. The Simple Application Circuit Shown in the RF Design Kit Software
After programming the parameters, the transmitter board can be unplugged from the interface on the microprocessor
Insert the lithium cell into the battery holder of the transmitter board.
The transmitter board is ready for verification.