Trou ble shoot ing
If the ma chine does not start, has poor ca pac ity or runs
ir reg u larly, check the fol low ing items.
Check that the tool used has a shank with cor rect
length and cor rect di men sion on the hex a gon.
Check that the ma chi ne re cei ves cor rect amount
of lub ri ca tion. Note that ex ag ge ra ted lub ri ca tion
can lead to star ting dif fi cul ti es, poor ca pa ci ty and
ir re gu lar run ning.
Check that the ma chi ne is con nec ted to a sys tem
for pres su ri zed air that de li vers the amount of air
ne ces sa ry to give the ma chi ne full ca pa ci ty.
Check the di men sion and length of the hose. For
a length of up to 30 me ter a hose with mini mum
di a me ter 3/4" (19 mm) shall be used. If the length
is bet we en 30 and 100 me ter a hose with mini -
mum di a me ter 1" (25 mm) shall be used.
If the re is a risk for fre e zing pre sent, check that
the ma chi ne’s ex haust ports has not been ob -
struc ted.
If the ma chine af ter this still does not func tion sat is fac -
tory, please con tact an au tho rized ser vice work shop.
To av oid da ma ge on the ma chi ne it is im por tant
that to ols of high qu a li ty is used.
It is re com men ded to use the to ols lis ted in the
ma chi ne’s spa re parts list.
To cho o se cor rect tool, see each spa re parts list
re spec ti ve ly.
Dis posal of used ma chine
Used ma chi ne shall be tre a ted and dis po sed of in
such a way that the gre a test pos sible part of the
ma te ri al can be re cycled and the in flu en ce on the
en vi ron ment is kept as low as pos sible.
At las Copco re serves the right to mod ify prod ucts and spec i fi ca tions
with out prior no tice.
Any un au tho rized use or copy ing of the con tents or any part thereof
is pro hib ited. This ap plies in par tic u lar to trade marks, model de nom i -
na tions, part num bers and draw ings.
Summary of Contents for TEX 05
Page 2: ...2 Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3 Fig 5 Fig 6 Fig 4...
Page 3: ...3 Fig 7...