® Copyright by ATH-Heinl GmbH & Co. KG, 2014, All rights reserved /Misprint and technical changes reserved / Issue: 12/2014
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Make sure that the tire was totally coated with lubricant.
Now start the filling process.
If the air quantity of the inflator is not enough to press the tire over the bead of
the rim it is possible to increase it by removing the inner valve. Afterwards the
valve must be quickly inserted again.
Make sure that the tire was filled with the correct pressure, pay attention here
to the instructions of the manufacturer.
A too low tire pressure can lead to a higher wear and a shortened endurance
of the tire. The interior of the tire can also be damaged.
The tire pressure has to be checked once a week.
Check the tire pressure only at a normal tire temperature (that means the
vehicle was not moved longer than an hour and not more than 2-3 km.)