At the area „Input parameters“ those data are displayed,
which are stored in the SAT data base for the concerned
transponder. At the area “RF output parameters” all relevant
settings for the output signal can be done. You can activate
or deactivate the output signal, determine the output chan-
nel grid (2, 4, 6 or 8 MHz), invert the spectrum and adapt
the output data ratio (1.725; 3.450; 5.175 and 6.900 MS/s).
If the output data ratio is undervalued, all X-QAM twin x –
cards adapt the data ratio on the minimum requested value.
In the output you can set the type of modulation. The view
of the parameters of the
X-QAM twin 3
differs in the
nonexistent “Options of channel A + B” – window.
Testing the input signal quality
If you use the button “Check signal
quality”, the C/N and the Bit error
ratio of the input signal of the card
will be displayed.
3.5 Level
The level adjustment of the X-QAM twin x – card can also
be done via HE-programming software. For this you just
have to click on “Level control“ in the window “Parame-
ters of the Plug-in card”.
The following window appears:
First of all you should push the button „Parameter read“,
to read out the already programmed state of attenuation.
The next step is
the correction of
the attenuation in
0.5 dB – steps in
a range between
0 and 15.5 dB.
To store the
changed values
press „Parame-
ter write“.
3 Programming with HE programming software
3 Programming with HE programming software