ASCO 5010 Remote Display Unit
The Oscilloscope page allows the user to see the real time current and voltage wave forms. Upon entering the Waveforms Main
Menu, as shown in Figure 23, the user can select to view current, voltage or both current and voltage waveforms together on the
same screen.
Figure 23: Waveforms Main Menu
From the Waveforms Main Menu the submenus are:
Current waveforms
L1 Current waveform
L2 Current waveform
L3 Current waveform
L1+L2+L3 Current waveforms
Voltage waveforms
L1 Voltage waveform
L2 Voltage waveform
L3 Voltage waveform
L1+L2+L3 Voltage waveforms
L1-L2 Voltage waveform
L2-L3 Voltage waveform
L3-L1 Voltage waveform
L12+L23+L31 Voltages
V Current waveforms
L1 v current
L2 v current
L3 v current
Neutral v current
Navigating the Oscilloscope
The Oscilloscope screen shown in Figure 24 as an example for navigating the screen is the L1 v current page.