Preamplifier knob selected and assigned
Min / Max value sliders
There are also minimum and maximum value sliders that you can use to restrict
the parameter change range to something other than 0%-100%. For example,
you might want the filter cut-off be controllable via hardware from 30% to 90%.
If you made this setting (Min set to 0.30 and Max set to 0.90) your physical knob
would be unable to alter the volume lower than 30% or higher than 90%, no
matter how far you turned it. This is very useful for making sure you can’t
accidentally make the sound too quiet or too loud when performing.
In the case of switches which only have two positions (on or off), those would
normally be assigned to buttons on your controller. But it is possible to toggle
those with a fader or other control if you like.
Relative control option
The final option in this window is a button labelled “Is Relative”. It is optimized
for use with a specific type of control: one which sends only a few values to
indicate the direction and speed at which a knob is turning, as opposed to
sending a full range of values in a linear fashion (0-127, for example).
To be specific, a “relative” knob will send values 61-63 when turned in a
negative direction and values 65-67 when turned in a positive direction. The
turn speed determines the parameter response. Refer to the documentation
of your hardware controller to see if it has this capability. If so, be sure to switch
this parameter on when setting up its MIDI assignments.
When configured this way, movements of the physical control (usually a knob)
will change the software parameter by starting at its current setting, rather than