The Fixture Menu of the SkyPanel
The INTENSITY/SELECTOR encoder I/S has two functions:
• Fixture menu closed: Setting the intensity.
• Fixture menu open: Use I/S to scroll through the menu, open
sub menus and set parameters. Pressing the knob opens sub
menus and confirms settings.
Central Rotary Knob (5, only SkyPanel-C)
Use the rotary knob to set the color temperature (CCT) or the
color hue (HUE). The current function of the rotary knob is
shown in the display (9) above the knob.
Right Rotary Knob (6, only SkyPanel-C)
Use the rotary knob to set the green / magenta saturation or the
color saturation (SAT). The current function of the rotary knob
is shown in the display (9) above the knob.
To call up a preset
A short press of the PRESET knob brings up the list of all avail-
able presets. Turn I/S (4) to select a preset. Press I/S (4) to
activate the preset.
To store a preset
Use the fixture menu to adjust the settings. Press PRESET, un-
til the preset save dialog opens. Turn I/S (4) to select a preset
memory slot. Press I/S (4) to store the preset. Close the dialog
with BACK.
MODE (8)
MODE swaps between CCT, HSI and GEL mode (only Sky-
Panel-C). Press the MODE long to open „Light Mode“.
The display shows the current settings and other information
during normal operation. Press the MENU button (4) to open or
close the fixture menu. Use I/S (4) and the BACK button (11) to
navigate through the fixture menu.
MENU (10)
The MENU button opens the fixture menu. Press MENU when
the fixture menu is open to close the menu and abort an action
(Escape). Use I/S (4) to scroll through the menu, open sub
menus and set parameters.
BACK (11)
The BACK button closes a sub menu and aborts an action (Es-
cape). Compared to the MENU button (10) the BACK button
only closes the sub menu, but not the fixture menu.
Please find a detailed overview in chapter “Fixture Menu” on
page 38.
To Set the Operation Mode (only SkyPanel-C)
Press the MODE button (8) to switch from CCT to HSI to GEL
In CCT mode the SkyPanel generates white light with opti-
mized color rendition. In HSI mode the SkyPanel generates
colored light. If saturation is set very low, the SkyPanel gener-
ates white light, but not with optimized color rendition. The GEL
mode offers an extensive color gel library.