2014-03-03 / 06
Installation must be carried out by a qualified installer. The electrical connection must be car-
ried out by a qualified electrician.
Space requirements
The boiler room must fulfil the requirements in Boverkets Nybyggnadsregler BBR (Swedish
National Board of Housing's Regulations for New Buildings). There must be at least one me-
tre's free space for service in front of the boiler and at the side where the burner is located. The
rear must also be accessible for servicing the flue gas fan and connection box. Above the boiler,
there must be space for manual cleaning of the convection tubes. In addition, reserve space for
ash auger, where applicable, on one side.
Chimney connection and opening for combustion air
The low temperature of the flue gas from the BioCompPX gives rise to a risk of condensation in
the chimney. Make sure the chimney is well ventilated with the help of draught diverter/inhibi-
tor The chimney flue should be stainless steel or acid-proof. Ensure that the chimney connec-
tion (boiler flue to chimney connection) is air tight since, during certain operating cases, there
could be an over-pressure after the boiler flue (legend 25 on page 6).
The chimney's minimum diameter should not be less than 150 mm.
for the boiler to function, it is important that there is sufficient combustion air. There
must be an opening to the open air in the boiler room of at least 2.5 dm
for each BioCompPX.
It must not be possible to close the air intake.
For complete combustion and for the boiler to work well, it is important that there is a sufficient
quantity of combustion air. The opening for the combustion air must not be blocked. The area
for the opening for replacement air should be approximately 5 dm
/100 kW.