2. Remove the snap ring securing the bearing in the
water pump drive cover; then remove the bearing
using an appropriate blind bearing remover.
1. Inspect the water pump drive housing (A) for scoring
or discoloration.
2. Inspect the bearing (B) for smooth rotation and no dis-
coloration or scoring.
3. Inspect the gear (C) for chipped or missing teeth, exces-
sive hub wear, or excessive wear in the drive pin slot.
4. Inspect the drive pin (D) and driveshaft (E) for exces-
sive wear or looseness.
1. Install the bearing in the water pump drive cover and
secure with the snap ring (flat side away from the bearing).
2. Install the gear onto the driveshaft noting correct ori-
entation (from step 1 of disassembling).
3. Install the two snap rings on the driveshaft (flat side
away from the gear).
Installing Right-Side
1. Install the clutch shoe assembly and secure with the
flange nut (threads coated with red Loctite #271).
Tighten to 221 ft-lb.
2. Install the clutch cover alignment pins into the crank-
case, apply oil to the cover gasket, and install the gas-
ket onto the crankcase.
3. Apply grease to the outer edges of the clutch housing;
then from inside the clutch cover, install the clutch
housing into the cover.
4. Lightly grease the clutch housing seal; then insert the
left fixed drive spacer.