LAST UPDATED: 3/08/2018
How much maintenance is required?
This is one of the commonly asked questions regarding our electric bicycles.
The short answer is
not much more than a regular bicycle.
maintenance of your bicycle is very important, but it
s also quite quick and easy
to do.
s a short list of things you can do regularly to keep your bike performing
its best:
Clean and oil your drive train (chain)
Clean and oil your gearing system
Check the tyre pressure is within range
Check the wear on the brakes and replace if necessary
Check the wear on the tyres and replace if necessary
Check for loose spokes on both of the wheels and tighten if necessary.
Check all fasteners
Wipe down the rest of the bike
Among this list, spoke maintenance should take priority. An electric wheel will
produce small vibrations that can loosen your spokes over time. Keep an eye
(or ear) out for those loose spokes and make sure they
re fixed before things
get out of hand. A loose spoke makes a telltale buzzing sound and is a good
indicator that maintenance is required. If this isn
t work you feel confident in
tackling yourself, we urge you to take it to any competent wheel builder in your