Transporter Assembly Instructions
Your Transporter Tricycle will arrive in
cartons –
Taller longer skinnier carton
– Front Section
Square squat carton
– Rear Section
1. Front Section carton will include:
Tricycle Front Section with motor.
Battery cradle keys cable tied to head stem.
Tricycle rear basket.
Tricycle front basket.
Owner’s Manual.
2. Rear Section carton will Include:
Tricycle rear section
Rear Basket Cover
1 x Box containing Pedals, Basket Bolts,
Gear Shifting Shaft, Front Basket Support
Cable Ties
Empty contents of both cartons and check that ALL parts are accounted for.
Now you are ready to start assembly.
Place Front and Rear sections up onto table / bench at
waist height for ease of work. Remove all protective
material from both the front section and the rear section.
Remove the battery from packaging and place on the
charger before you start Trike build.
Transporter assembly is not ‘Rocket Science’ – follow
these steps or call TEBCO if any concerns.
The first step is to attach the front section to the rear.