P R O G R A M M I N G / C O N F I G U R I N G T H E H A R D W A R E
DNPCIe_10G_K7_LL (_QSFP) User Manual
Following the Vivado build flow for the Darklite reference design a post-routing dcp file
is saved under implement directory. Depending on your build, the dcp file can be either
for the golden image (needs to be generated only once) or for the update image. You
can run the following TCL commands in Vivado once you change directory to Darklite
Designs/boards/dn0###_.../darklite/build/implement”; NB: DCP file names are for
illustrative purposes only, your file names may vary):
open_checkpoint checkpoint_3_post_route_golden.dcp
source bitgenoptions_golden.tcl
write_bitstream -force fpga_golden.bit
write_cfgmem -force -interface bpix16 -format MCS -size 128 -
loadbit "up 0x00000000 fpga_golden.bit" fpga_golden.mcs
open_checkpoint checkpoint_3_post_route_update.dcp
source bitgenoptions_update.tcl
write_bitstream -force fpga_update.bit
write_cfgmem -force -interface bpix16 -format MCS -size 128 -
loadbit "up 0x01000000 fpga_update.bit" fpga_update.mcs
The above commands assume that the golden image is stored in flash at word address
0x0, and update image is stored in flash at word address 0x01000000. Because the flash
is BPIx16, this corresponds to a byte address of 0x02000000. This byte offset must be
larger than the size of the golden image (.bit file) in bytes. This offset is appropriate if the
golden image is the Darklite image provided with the board.
Golden and update MCS files can be written to flash using Vivado. Alternatively, one
can use aetest software to write corresponding golden and update .bit images to flash:
./aetest_linux -cfpga=fpga_golden.bit,0x0
./aetest_linux -cfpga=fpga_update.bit,0x2000000
Notice that the offset provided to aetest command is a byte offset (rather than a word
offset). Also notice that BPI flash has 256KB block size so you want to set
NEXT_CONFIG_ADDR in bitgen TCL files such that offset falls on a block
Using ChipScope Pro (via JTAG)
The Xilinx ChipScope Pro tool inserts logic analyzer, system analyzer, and virtual I/O
low-profile software cores directly into the design, allowing the user to view any internal
signal or node, including embedded hard or soft processors. Signals are captured in the