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40430 - Trip 1 Value
40433 - Trip 2 Value
Sets the distance (0 - 15,250 mm) to the trip position closest to the sensor face.
40431 - Trip 1 Window
40434 - Trip 2 Window
Sets the distance (0 - 15,250 mm) from the first trip position to the trip position farthest from the sensor
40432 - Trip 1 Type
40435 - Trip 2 Type
Sets the Trip Type for web outputs or independently-configured Modbus outputs. Trip Types are configured
with two independent digits: the first for Alarm Type (1, or 2), and the second for Trip Condition (0-5, 7, or 9).
Alarm Type
1_ - Active Alarm
Designates the active trip point as an alarm condition. To initiate an alarm whenever the Trip Type _3 is
active (on), Trip Type would be set to
Alarm Type
2_ - Inactive Alarm
Designates an inactive trip point as an alarm condition. To initiate an alarm whenever the Trip Type _3 is
inactive (off), Trip Type would be set to
MNU IS Web / Independant Modbus Alarm Parameters
MNU IS sensors interfaced with an LOE web-enabled master sensor or an RST-5003 web-enabled master
controller can be configured to generate website alarms via levelandflow.com. Refer to the LOE or RST-5003
user manuals (available on
) for more information.
MNU IS senors do not have physical, or electronic, trip outputs. Via LOE or RST-5003 web-enabled devices,
Holding Registers 40430 - 40435 can be configured to create outputs in Input Registers 30309 and 30310
that will trigger alarms through web interfaces. These registers can also be configured/monitored via RS-485
Modbus programming, but APG Modbus software cannot be used to generate such alerts or alarms.