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40405 - Maximum Distance
Sets the distance (beginning from the Zero Point) to the point where the sensor will stop looking for target
signals. Targets detected beyond the Maximum Distance value will be ignored by the sensor. Maximum Dis-
tance + Offset (Holding Register 40417) cannot exceed the sensor’s maximum operating range (see Operat
ing Range / Transducer Frequency in Specifications, page 2).
40406 - Full Distance
Sets the distance (beginning from the Zero Point) to the point where the monitored vessel is considered full.
40407 - Empty Distance
Sets the distance (beginning from the Zero Point) to the point where the monitored vessel is considered
40408 - Sensitivity
Sets the level of gain that is applied to the echo (0-100%). When operating in AutoSense, Hard-Target, or
Soft-Target (see Gain Control, Holding Register 40411), Sensitivity sets an upper limit for the amplification
that can be applied to the echo. If operating in Manual, this parameter sets the gain.
When using Manual Gain Control, set Sensitivity to the minimum value that will allow the target to be
reliably tracked through the full range of expected environmental conditions (i.e., apply only as much
amplification as necessary). This reduces power usage and extends transducer life.
40409 - Pulses
Sets the number of ultrasonic pulses per transmission burst (0-20). The more pulses that are sent in a burst,
the stronger the returning echo. For Gain Control (Holding Register 40411) settings Auto Sense, Hard Target,
and Soft Target, this setting limits the maximum number of pulses used by the sensor.
When Gain Control is set to Manual, increase the strength of the transmission by increasing Pulses or Pulse
Power (Holding Register 40423) for detecting soft targets in damping environments. In acoustically active
environments or small enclosed areas, decrease Pulses or Pulse Power to reduce multiple echoes.
: When Gain Control is set to Auto-Sense, Hard-Target, or Soft-Target, set Sensi-
tivity (40408) and Pulses (40409) to maximum values, as these are the upper limits used
by the sensor.