Advanced Search
1. Search Type – Select if advanced search will be for motion or object detection.
2. Camera – Displays the camera currently selected for the advanced search.
3. Start Date/Time – Indicates the start for the date and time range for the advanced search.
4. End Date/Time – Indicates end for the date and time range for the advanced search.
5. Event Type Filter – Filters the type of recording to include in the advanced search.
6. Selected Region – Click and drag on the image to select the region which is to be searched.
7. Clear – Clears the currently selected region.
8. Search – Starts the search based on the parameter settings.
9. Bookmark – Bookmarks the currently selected entry in the search result list.
10. Reset – Resets the search result list back to blank.
11. Search Result List – Displays the results of the advanced search. Double clicking on an entry in
the list will automatically start playing it in the Search and Playback window.