IP Out Switch:
Enable or Disable the IP output
select the source for the IP output in the dropdown list
select UDP or RTP protocol for the IP output
TS Pkts Per UDP:
select the number of TS packets that can be carried by each UDP packet
Time To Live:
set TTL to the output IP packets
Type of Service:
select the service type for the outputted IP streaming
Uni/Multi IP Address:
set the unicast or multicast IP address for the output IP streaming
Uni/Multi UDP Port:
set the port number, valid range from 1~65535
ProMPEG FEC Switch:
Enable or Disable the ProMPEG FEC
the submenus below are available only when the ProMPEG FEC is switched on and has be applied)
select the mode of ProMPEG FEC from the dropdown list
Column FEC UDP Port:
set the port number for column FEC
Row FEC UDP Port:
set the port number for row FEC
FEC Alignment:
set the alignment for FEC
Test Drop Packets:
set the test drop packets