Video Setup
Video Rate Ctl:
set constant bit rate mode or variable bit rate mode for the selected encoder
Input Video Format:
select the resolution for the encoded video in the dropdown list.
Video Bit Rate:
set the video bit rate. The setting is valid only when the Video Rate Ctl is CBR.
Aspect Ratio:
set the aspect ratio for the encoded video, 4:3 or 16:9.
Audio Setup
Audio Format:
set the audio compression format MPEG-1 Layer II or MPEG2 AAC-LC. (MPEG4 AAC-LC can
be selected on
EX-5108 series only)
Audio Bit Rate:
set the audio bitrate.
Audio Channel Mode
: set the audio in stereo or mono. NOTE: only Left audio channel will be encoded when
Mono mode is on.
Audio Level:
set the gain of output volume.
Audio SDI EMB:
select the group of embedded audio from input SDI signal
(the menu is displayed on
-S only).
Encoder Bit Rate
: set the output bit rate of the current encoder. Encoder bit rate must greater than the sum of
video bit rate + audio bit rate + PSI (150Kbps) + buffering (100Kbps) + encoder error (150Kbps), valid range
from 300 to 99999Kb/s
Advanced Setup
set PMT PID, valid range from 32 to 8190 decimal
Video PID:
set Video PID, valid range from 32 to 8190 decimal
Audio PID:
set audio PID, valid range from 32 to 8190 decimal
set PCR PID, valid range from 32 to 8190 decimal
Service PID:
set Service PID, valid from 32 to 8190 decimal
Service Name:
set the service name for the encoded channel. The length should be less than 24 characters.
Enable or Disable the output video resolution rescaling. The following two parameters have to be set
manually if the Scale is enabled.
Scale Vertical:
set the resolution in vertical
Scale Horizontal:
set the resolution in horizon