4.4. Connecting ArcDots-CE (ArcSource Outdoor 4MC Pixel-CE , ArcDotFlashes-CE)
Connect ArcDots to the LED outputs of the ArcPixel Power-CE. The ArcDots can be interconnected directly or
by using T- connectors - see the picture below. If you use Artnet for control of the ArcPixel Power-CE, you can
connect ArcDots to all LED outputs 1-4.
For larger installation (more than 25 ArcDots), the ArcPixel Power-CE should be connected to the Robe Media
Server which allows automatic pixel mapping and full control of the ArcDots modules. Without Robe Media
Server, you have to perform pixel mapping manually using the menu "Dots".
Placing ferrites
The ferrite GTFC 16-8-16 (P/N 1305 1703) has to be placed on the cable at each ArcDot output of the ArcPixel
To connect ArcDots
. Disconnect ArcPixel Power-CE from mains.
. Connect ArcDots (with ferrites as described above) to the ArcPixel Power-CE. Max. number
of ArcDots per output is 35. Connect active terminators to each ArcDots line.
. Connect the ArcPixel Power-CE to mains
. Run procedures "Search Dots" and "Sort Dots" from the menu "Dots"
. Save adjusted values with the option "Store Config"
. Disconnect the ArcPixel Power-CE from mains and replace active terminators by passive terminators*.
. Connect the ArcPixel Power-CE to mains and to the Robe Media Server. Set another needed items in
the ArcPixel Power-CE menu.
* Active terminators can remain permanent connected if there is place for them (they are bigger than passive
The minimum cable length of 0.3m
between two T-connectors has to
be kept in case that the pixel sor-
ting is executed manually from the
ArcPixel Power-CE menu.
This rule does not need to be kept
if the Robe Media Server is used
for pixel sorting
Every ArcDot line has to
be terminated with the
passive terminator!
Number of needed ferrites:
- at each ArcDot output: 1
- total for installation: 4
Note: Never connect/disconnect LED modules when the ArcPixelPower-CE is under voltage!
If the line between ArcDots is disconected, the ArcDots behind point of interrupt will not work. Before restoring
connection between ArcDots, switch off the ArcPixel Power-CE.