To connect ArcPixes CE
. Disconnect ArcPixel Power-CE from mains.
. Connect ArcPixes (with ferrites as described above) to the ArcPixel Power-CE. Max load per ouput is 100
Connect the termination box ArcPix to each ArcPix line. If you use Artnet for control of
the ArcPixel Power-CE, you can connect ArcPixes to all LED outputs 1-4.
For larger installation we recommend to set different universes for each ArcPix output. The first ArcPix has
to have the bottom universe and the last ArcPix the top universe (requirement of the Robe Media Server).
. Connect ArcPixel Power-CE to mains.
. Run procedures " Search Dots" and " Sort Dots" from the menu "Dots".
. Save adjusted values with the option "Store Config".
. Connect the ArcPixel Power-CE the Robe Media Server. Set another needed items in
the ArcPixel Power-CE menu.
Note: Never connect/disconnect LED modules when the ArcPixelPower-CE is under voltage!
Every ArcPix line has to be terminated with the termination box ArcPix!
If the line between ArcPixes is disconected, the ArcPixes behind point of interrupt will not work. Before restoring
connection between ArcPixes, switch off the ArcPixel Power-CE.
In case that some ArcPix has been changed, the same address as had original ArcPix is assigned to the new
ArcPix by the ArcPixel Power-CE.
It is very important to save Dots configuration at every change of
.(Menu "Dots" -> "Store Config"),
Max. cable length between the ArcPixel Power-CE and the last connected ArcPix module should not exceed
Note: If DMX is used for control of the ArcPixel Power-CE, the LED outputs 1-3 may be used only.
Number of needed ferrites:
- each ArcPix line: 4 (between
ArcPixes no.30-31, 60-61, 90-91,
at ArcPixel Powe
- total for installation: 16