Nutrient Glossary
contains calcium, copper, essential oils, iron, magnesium,
manganese, potassium, sulfur, zinc, Vitamins A, B1, B2, C and the amino
acid Allicin.
Supports the body's ability to regulate cholesterol levels, reduce blood
pressure & blood clots, improve circulation and maintain a healthy heart.
Stimulates immune system function, fights bacteria and detoxifies the body.
Supports the body's ability to defend itself against infection, colds, coughs, asthma,
gastrointestinal problems and parasites.
Preliminary evidence shows that the potent antioxidants in garlic that may help prevent cancer.
Grape Seed Extract
has been found to be the most powerful antioxidant(free radical
scavenger) known to man; 20x stronger than Vitamin C and 50x stronger than Vitamin E.
The extract from grape seeds may have a purity of up to 95%.
It is thought to sharpen mental alertness because it is one of the only (if not the only) antioxidants
able to cross the blood-brain barrier.
It is also thought to restore capillary activity to normal, strengthen capillary walls, and restore
flexibility to arterial walls.
Grape Skin Extract
is rich in proanthocyanidin flavonoids, which have demonstrated a
number of important biochemical properties: they act as free-radical scavengers, help resist blood
vessel damage and skin damage, inhibit inflammatory enzymes, and inhibit histamine formation.
Grape Skin has been shown to be 50 times more effective than vitamin E and 20 times stronger
than vitamin C.
These astounding properties may enable free radicals to be scavenged out of the body, while
improving circulation, capillary activity, back pains, heal spurs, skin conditions, memory, and may
be helpful with those affected by Attention Deficit Disorders.
Grape Skin Antioxidants have been extensively researched in Europe, and have been widely used
there for more than 20 years.
Grapefruit helps break down fat, lowers cholesterol
and balances the blood sugar.
“A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings and learn how,