MAN3090-1 Page
RCC Number & Ident;
this displays the RCC number that the selected device is currently assigned to along
with the devices ident. You can also change the RCC that the device is logged onto by pressing the Rotary
Control when the RCC number is displayed and then selecting a new RCC from the available list.
Front Display
Device Status
Select Desired Device No
Software Version;
this displays the devices software version.
Front Display
Device Status
Select Desired Device No
Add New Device
This menu allows all wireless device types to be added to the system. The function allows the device to
be added using either the log on button situated on the device or by programming the devices unique
identification number into the Radio Hub via the Rotary Controls. The Loop address number associated
for the device along with the devices allocated Radio Cluster Communicator is also allocated at this stage
of adding the device to the system. A guide to adding devices is shown in the
Quick Step by Step
Guide To System Programming
section of this manual.
Front Display
Add New Device
Assign Device
This menu assigns any unassigned wireless devices to their associated Radio Cluster Communicators. This
must be performed once a device has been added to the system and the device has been installed in its
correct location.
Front Display
Assign Device
Remove Device
This section allows wireless devices to be removed from the system. A list of devices already allocated to
the system are shown, these can be scrolled through by turning the rotary control. When the device
required to be removed is shown on the display the rotary control can be pushed to select this device.
This will show the devices unique identification number, if correct, selecting
will remove the device
from the system.
Front Display
Remove Device