128797 05
Using Percent Error when testing or calibrating a T/I Transmitter
The ASC-400 calibrator features a function which can calculate signal or pressure vs.
milliamp error as a percentage of the 4 to 20 mA loop span.
Follow the principle of navigating through the functions described in the guidelines in
section 4.2 and proceed as follows
1. Select the lower display and select “RTD” from the Lower Mode list.
2. Select “Out step” from the Test Mode list (input/output control).
3. Select “RTD” from the RTD Type list.
4. Set the 0%, the 100% span points and the time using either the ARROW keys or the
numeric keys
5. Select the upper display and select either “Current” or “Voltage” from the Upper
Mode list.
6. Select power mode, internal or external power. (Current only)
7. Select “%Error” from the Units list.
8. From the %Error Menu set the 0% and 100% point for the upper and lower displays
using either the ARROW keys or the numeric keys.