MegaPro Dual Pentium Pro PCI ISA Motherboard User’s Guide
Chipset Setup,
Optional ROM Shadow Before Init
Set this option to Enabled to permit the contents of the optional ROM
to be copied to RAM before being initialized by AMIBIOS during Power
On Self Test. This option does not appear if the Optional ROM Decode
option is set to Disabled. The settings are Disabled or Enabled. The
Optimal and Fail–Safe default settings are Disabled.
Optional ROM Cacheable
Set this option to Enabled to allow the contents of the optional ROM to
be read from or written to cache memory. This option does not appear if
the Optional ROM Shadow Before Init option is set to Disabled. The
settings are Enabled or Disabled. The Optimal and Fail–Safe default
settings are Disabled.
Watchdog Timer
This motherboard has an integrated system watchdog timer. The
watchdog timer reboots the computer if there is no bus activity for 1.2
Set this option to Enabled when running applications such as a security
system that require continuous monitoring. The computer then
automatically resets after it locks up and the application can continue
running with no human intervention required.
The settings are Enabled or Disabled. The Optimal and Fail–Safe default
settings are Disabled.
ISA 8 Bit I/O Recovery Time
This option specifies the length of the delay that is added to the CPU
cycle between consecutive 8–bit I/O operations. The length of the delay
is related to the CPU type and frequency.
The settings are 1 Sysclock, 2 Sysclocks, 3 Sysclocks, 4 Sysclocks, 5
Sysclocks, 6 Sysclocks, 7 Sysclocks, 8 Sysclocks, or Disabled. The
Optimal and Fail–Safe default settings are Disabled.