MegaPro Dual Pentium Pro PCI ISA Motherboard User’s Guide
Advanced Setup,
Boot To OS/2
Set this option to Yes if running OS/2 operating system and using more
than 64 MB of system memory on the motherboard. The settings are No
or Yes. The Optimal and Fail–Safe default settings are No.
Floppy Drive Seek
When this option is set to Enabled, AMIBIOS performs a Seek
command on floppy drive A: before booting the system. The settings
are Enabled or Disabled. The Optimal default is Disabled. The Fail–Safe
default is
Floppy Drive Swap
Set this option to Enabled to permit drives A: and B: to be swapped.
The settings are Enabled or Disabled. The Optimal and Fail–Safe default
settings are Disabled.
Quick Boot
Set this option to Enabled to allow the BIOS to boot to the operating
system within 5 seconds after the computer power switch is turned on.
The settings are Enabled or Disabled. The Optimal default setting is
Enabled. The Fail–Safe default setting is Disabled.
Boot Device
This option sets the sequence of boot drives for the first boot device
that AMIBIOS attempts to boot from after POST completes. The
settings are Disabled, SCSI, CDROM, IDE–0, IDE–1, IDE–2, or IDE–3.
The Optimal and Fail–Safe default settings are IDE–0.
2nd Boot Device
This option sets the sequence of boot drives for the second boot
device. The settings are Disabled, Floppy, or CDROM. The Optimal and
Fail–Safe default settings are Floppy.