The Monitor Arming Code identifies the alarm Display,
Queuing, and Clearance methods for the monitor.
Alarm Display Methods
The Alarm Display method specifies the way that video armed
for an alarm is displayed on multiple armed monitors. There
are three Alarm Display methods: Single, Block, or Dual.
Single - The camera video associated with an alarm is
displayed only on the monitor to which it is associated.
Multiple alarms received for the same monitor are held in a
queue for display in accordance with the Queuing method.
Block - The camera video associated with an alarm is
displayed on the block of monitors to which it is associated.
The video for the first alarm received is placed on the first
monitor of the block (the lowest numbered system monitor
of the block), the video for the second alarm on the second
monitor, and so on through the last monitor of the block.
When all monitors are displaying alarms and no alarms
have been cleared, subsequent alarms are held in queue for
display in accordance with the Queuing method.
Dual - The camera video associated to an alarm is displayed
on the two monitors to which it is associated, a Hold and a
Sequence monitor. The Hold monitor displays and holds
the first alarm received (Hold Queuing). Subsequent alarms
are queued for display on the Sequence monitor (Sequence
Queuing). Once an alarm is cleared from the Hold monitor,
the next alarm queued on the Sequence monitor is moved to
the Display monitor. When an alarm is moved to the Hold
monitor, it is removed from the Sequence monitor.
Alarm Queuing Methods
The Alarm Queuing method defines the way the armed
monitor handles multiple alarms. An alarm contact must be
associated with at least one camera and one monitor, and at
least one monitor must be armed. When an alarm is received
that is properly armed, the system creates an alarm queue entry
for every monitor or group of monitors that is associated to the
alarm contact. If an alarm contact is not associated to at least
one camera and one monitor, it is ignored by the system.
There are two Queuing methods: Sequence or Hold.
Sequence - The camera video inputs associated with each
queued alarm are displayed on the armed monitor in
sequence, at a programmed dwell time between each
alarmed video, until cleared by the system. The dwell time
between each camera video display is programmable for
each ACN by the Set Alarm Contacts Menu, page 4-12.
Alternately, the alarmed camera that is currently displayed
on the monitor can be shifted back to the queue before the
completion of the dwell time by pressing the NEXT key.
Hold - The camera video associated with the first alarm
received is displayed and held on the armed monitor.
Subsequent alarms are held in a queue. The first alarm is
held on the monitor until it is cleared by the system. The
next queued alarm is displayed and held on the armed
monitor after the currently displayed alarm is cleared. All
alarms are displayed in the chronological order in which
they were received.
Alternately, an alarm that is currently held on the monitor
can be shifted back to the queue by pressing the NEXT key.
The next queued alarm is then displayed and held.
Alarm Clearance Methods
The Alarm Clearance method defines the way an alarm is
cleared/removed from the system. The clearing of an alarm is
accomplished by one of three methods: Instant Clear, Auto
Clear, or Manual Clear. These clearance methods remove the
alarms from the system and return the monitors to their
original operating states.
Instant Clear - Clears the alarm automatically when the
alarmed condition is removed. To clear the alarm, reset
(clear) the associated alarm contact at its source. All
alarmed camera inputs remain queued on their armed
monitors as long as the contact remains active. When the
contact is reset, the armed camera input is automatically
removed from the armed monitor(s) it is queued on.
Auto Clear - Clears the alarm automatically 20 seconds after
the alarmed condition is removed. To clear the alarm, reset
the associated alarm contact. All alarms remain on their
respective monitors as long as the contact remains active.
When the contact is reset, after a 20 second delay the armed
camera is automatically removed from the armed monitor(s)
it is queued on. This 20 second delay is intended to catch
any momentary type alarms. If the alarm contact clears and
then is set again within the 20 seconds, the alarm remains in
the system without being cleared.
Manual Clear - The operator clears the alarm via a keyboard
while the alarmed input is displayed or after the ACN is
called to the monitor (see Acknowledging an Alarm, page
2-4). All alarms remain queued on their respective
monitors until the alarm is manually acknowledged. When
the alarm is acknowledged, the alarmed camera is removed
from the armed monitor(s) it is queued on.
If an alarm contact is armed for more than one monitor,
when it is acknowledged on any monitor it is acknowledged
for all armed monitors. If the ACN is programmed in a
Wired Set with a “*” CN code, when it is acknowledged all
alarms in the set are cleared.
Note: If the Dual alarm display method is used, call the
Hold monitor to manually acknowledge an alarm.
The different Arming Codes are described on page A-6 to A-7.