Running a Tour
A Tour sequentially displays a selected series of camera video
inputs on one monitor. Monitor Tours are temporary tours
defined by non-menu programming, page 3-4. System Tours
are defined and saved by menu programming, page 4-5.
To start a Monitor Tour:
- Press the keyboard RUN button following programming of
the tour (see page 3-4).
To start a System Tour (from the keyboard):
1. Call the monitor to run the tour on.
2. Enter the System Tour number (1 - 64) on the keypad.
3. Press the RUN button on the keyboard.
4. Press the keyboard ACK button within three seconds of
pressing the RUN button.
If the ACK button is not pressed within the 3-second
period, repeat the above sequence from step 2.
System Tours also can be called (started) automatically by
Event Timers, see page 4-10.
Note: Only one tour can be started on and associated with a
monitor at one time. If a Monitor Tour is programmed for
a monitor and then a System Tour is called to that monitor,
the Monitor Tour is erased and replaced by the System
Tour. The System Tour effectively becomes that monitor’s
Monitor Tour.
While running, the tour repeats continuously and the on-screen
Status Line shows the dwell time for each camera in the tour.
When running a tour in the forward direction, an “F” is
displayed beside the dwell time; when running a tour in the
reverse direction, an “R” is displayed. On 2078 keyboards,
press the NEXT or LAST button to change the direction of the
tour at any time while it is running.
Note: When a tour is running in reverse, the Connect Next
tour linking feature may not operate as expected (see
Connect Next, page 4-7).
To stop (“Hold”) a tour:
- Press the keyboard HOLD button to stop a tour on the
currently displayed camera.
- If a dwell time of 61 is programmed for a camera, the tour
automatically stops and Holds on that camera.
When the tour is stopped by either of these actions, the monitor
displays the camera that the tour is stopped on, and the
message “HOLD” is displayed in the Status Line. While a tour
is on Hold, any camera control actions (pan, tilt, lens, preset, or
auxiliary) may be performed on that camera.
To change the running direction of the tour on Hold:
- Press 1, then NEXT to set a tour in forward direction.
- Press 2, then NEXT to set a tour in reverse direction;
on a 2078 keyboard, press the LAST button.
- Press the NEXT button to advance to the next camera in the
tour sequence; on a 2078 keyboard, press the LAST button
to go back to the prior camera of the tour sequence.
- Press the RUN button to continue running the tour in the
direction specified.
Calling a System Salvo
A System Salvo is a group of cameras that can be called
simultaneously to a contiguous group of monitors. System
Salvos are defined by menu programming, page 4-8.
To call a System Salvo:
1. Call the first monitor of the contiguous group of monitors
desired for the salvo.
2. Enter the System Salvo number (1 - 64) on the keypad.
3. Press the keyboard SALVO button.
System Salvos can also be called automatically from System
Tours, Alarm Contacts, and other System Salvos.
Acknowledging an Alarm
When a monitor is armed for an alarm contact, the input video
associated with that alarm contact is displayed on the monitor
when the alarm is received. If this monitor is armed for
Manual Clear, the keyboard ACK button is used to clear the
alarm. (See Alarms, Appendix pages A-3 to A-7.)
To acknowledge (clear) an alarm:
1. Call the monitor which is displaying the alarmed video.
Note: If a camera salvo or Connect Next is associated with
the alarm contact, call the first monitor of the block
displaying the salvo to acknowledge that alarm.
If a Wired set is associated with the alarm contact, call
the monitor associated to the ACN to clear that alarm; if
the ACN is programmed with a “*” CN code, all alarms
in the Wired set are cleared when this alarm is cleared.
2. Depending on the alarm programming, the monitor may
display one or more alarmed video inputs.
Hold or step to (using the NEXT or LAST buttons) the
desired alarmed camera.
Enter the applicable ACN number (1 - 1024) and press the
ACK button to call the associated alarmed camera.
3. When the desired alarmed video is displayed, press the
keyboard ACK button to clear the alarm.