Arming Alarm Contacts to Monitors
Note: The following procedures are for 1678CM keyboards
only. With other keyboards, use the Monitor/Contact
Access menu, page 4-26.
To arm an alarm contact to a monitor:
1. Call the desired monitor for arming.
2. Turn the keyswitch to the PROG position.
3. Enter the alarm contact number (ACN) to be armed.
4. Press the ARM button in the keyboard Camera group. The
contact number with the letter “E”, for enabled, is displayed
in the Status Line for five seconds for verification.
As an example, alarm contact number 021 was programmed
for the monitor by entering the number “21” on the keyboard
and pressing the Camera ARM button. This will result in the
on-screen display shown in Figure 3-2.
To disarm a contact for a monitor:
1. Call the desired monitor.
2. Turn the keyswitch to the PROG position.
3. Enter the alarm contact number (ACN) to be disarmed.
4. Press the OFF button in the Camera group. The contact
number with the letter “D”, for disarmed, is displayed in the
on-screen Status Line for five seconds for verification.
That alarm input will no longer be displayed until the
associated alarm contact source has been cleared and reset.
Contact Arming Notes:
* When arming alarm contacts to a monitor block, arm the
contacts to the first monitor of the block only. Do not arm
any contacts to the remaining monitors of a block.
* Monitors used for salvo alarm response should not be
armed for individual alarm contacts (see page 4-26).
* Contacts cannot be disarmed while they are active.
Audio Alarm Programming
The 1678CM and 2078 keyboards can be programmed to
provide an audio tone when an alarm is received. When the
audio tone is enabled at a keyboard and an armed monitor is
called to that keyboard, the audio tone is sounded when the
associated alarm is first received, for less than five seconds.
The default setting is audio enabled (ON) for all keyboards.
There are three ways to enable or disable this audio indicator:
For a Keyboard, For a Port, and System Wide.
For a Keyboard - When sound is turned off at a keyboard,
the 1996R CPU will transmit the sound character to
LOCAL keyboards but a keyboard that is off will not sound
the audio tone.
To Turn Audio ON for that Keyboard only:
1. Call the armed monitor.
2. Enter the number “9” on the keypad.
3. Press the auxiliary ON pushbutton.
To Turn Audio OFF for that Keyboard only:
1. Call the armed monitor.
2. Enter the number “9” on the keypad.
3. Press the auxiliary OFF pushbutton.
For a Port - When the audio is turned off for a port, the
1996R CPU will no longer transmit the sound character to
that particular LOCAL keyboard port.
To Turn Audio ON for a Port:
1. Enter the number “48” on the keypad.
2. Press the F2 button.
To Turn Audio OFF for a Port:
1. Enter the number “47” on the keypad.
2. Press the F2 button.
System Wide - When the audio is turned off, the 1996R CPU
will no longer transmit the sound character to any LOCAL
keyboard port.
To Turn Audio ON System Wide:
1. Enter the number “46” on the keypad.
2. Press the F2 button.
To Turn Audio OFF System Wide:
1. Enter the number “45” on the keypad.
2. Press the F2 button.
Figure 3-2 - On-Screen Contact Arming Display
0 0 0 1
0 2 1 E
1 0 - 1 5 - 9 3
1 0 : 2 7 : 5 3
Contact 021
Armed for
this Monitor