Set Directory Menu
The System Setup program defines the directories that contain
the program files and the data files for all other Excalibur
functions. The data file directory must be defined before other
data is entered by any setup functions, and before any map
images are created and saved by the Excalibur CAD program.
Note: The Excalibur installation program creates a default
data directory, named “DATA”, under the Excalibur
program directory defined during installation (page 1-4).
To set the data directory, select the “Set Directory” menu item
from the System Setup menu bar. A dialog box, illustrated
below, is then displayed.
The Excalibur program file directory “C:\EXCALIBR” created
by the installation program is indicated in the “Directory” line
of this dialog box. (If a different program directory was
defined during software installation, page 1-4, this directory
name will be shown in place of the EXCALIBR name.) A list
box is shown under the Directory line, listing the directories
under this program directory.
If no data directory has been defined, there is no directory
name following the program directory name in the “Directory”
line. If a data directory has previously been defined, its full
directory path and name is shown in the “Directory” line.
Note: If a data directory has been defined, and any setup
functions, such as Operators, have been specified, DO NOT
change the data directory. If this happens, the Excalibur
programs will not be able to find the data files previously
defined. In this case, select “Cancel” to exit the dialog box.
The data directory can be defined as the default data directory
(DATA) that was created during installation of the system
programs, page 1-4, or it may be a separate directory created
by the user for the data files only.
Note: If a separate data directory is wanted, it must be created
prior to operating this function.
To place the setup data files in the default “DATA” directory
(created by the installation program under the program file
directory), select this directory by double-clicking on the
“DATA” entry in the list box.
To select any other data directory, locate the desired directory
name in the list box and double-click its name. When a
directory is selected, the full directory name and path is
displayed in the “Directory” line above the list box.
Use the standard Windows file list box actions to view other
directories in this list, such as:
* Double-clicking the [..] entry to view the next higher
* Double-clicking any directory name to view the contents of
that directory.
Any subdirectories under the selected directory are now
displayed in the list box.
Select the OK or Cancel button to exit the Data File Directory
dialog box:
OK - Select “OK” to accept the directory selection displayed
in the Directory line above the list box. This will write the
selected data directory path to the EXCALIBR.INI file in
the Windows directory.
At this time, the program directory path is also written to
the EXCALIBR.INI file.
Cancel - Select “Cancel” to exit without saving the data
directory definition.
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