Alarm and door class icons may have alarm contacts defined.
When an alarm event occurs, the alarm is prioritized and
placed into a queue of up to 1024 alarms. The alarm events are
queued first by priority, then by chronology. When an alarm
reaches the top of the queue, the map displaying that alarm
icon is called, the icon flashes, and any sounds defined for that
icon are played. Also, camera video corresponding to that
alarm point may be displayed in one of three ways. Note: If
alarm priority is set to 0, the map and camera are not called.
Alarm Camera Display
The AD Matrix Switchers allow alarmed cameras to be called
to and cleared from monitors in a number of ways. The
recommended method when using Excalibur is to use the
Instant Clear method. Alarmed cameras may be placed in a
sequence or held until acknowledged. Using Instant Clear,
alarms are removed from the monitor or sequence when the
operator acknowledges them using Excalibur. Note that the
AD switcher alarm monitoring method does not display the
alarm with the highest priority, but is chronological. Refer to
the appropriate Matrix Switcher Programming Manual for
more information on configuring alarm monitoring.
There are three modes of configuring alarm displays:
Mode 1 - This mode displays the camera defined for that icon
on the alarm monitor defined in the setup program under
Mode 1. This camera is displayed on the alarm monitor
when the alarm event is at the top of the alarm queue. The
camera video is displayed until the alarm is acknowledged.
If another alarm event is in the queue, the video from that
camera is displayed after the first alarm is acknowledged.
If no alarm event is in the queue, the last called camera
continues to be displayed. This mode always displays the
video from the alarm event with the highest priority.
Mode 2 - This mode passes the alarm event on to the AD
Matrix Switcher as an alarm contact. The icon associated
with the alarm is displayed and is acknowledged using
Excalibur. This mode allows the matrix switcher to place
the video from alarms in any mode, depending upon the
switcher setup programming. The alarm event is cleared
from the switcher when acknowledged on Excalibur.
Whether using Mode 2 alone, or in combination with the
Mode 1 method, it is necessary to set any desired preset
shots in the Matrix Switcher, not in Excalibur. If the preset
shot is defined in Excalibur and not in the Matrix Switcher,
the preset shot is not called when an alarm occurs.
Mode 2 also has a “Follow Contact” mode. When this item
is selected, the switcher alarm event continues to be active
even after the alarm has been acknowledged by the operator
on the Excalibur. The alarm event is cleared after the
contact resets to the non-alarmed state. This is useful when
it is desirable to continue displaying a sequence of all
cameras associated with active alarms, such as doors which
remain open even after the alarm event is acknowledged.
Note: Mode 1 and Mode 2 can be combined so that one video
monitor can display the alarmed camera with the highest
priority and another can display a sequence of cameras from
all contacts in an alarmed state.
Mode 3 - This mode bypasses the alarm callup functions in the
Excalibur and simply passes the alarm event to the AD
Matrix Switcher. This mode is useful for displaying video
from alarms which occur routinely, when it is not necessary
for the operator to acknowledge each alarm. When this
mode is set for an alarm class icon, the icon is not displayed
in any state. When this mode is defined for door class
icons, the icon does not flash or turn red in alarm
conditions, but the icon can be used for door control.
Alarm Sound Files
Each alarmable icon (alarm and door class icons) may be
associated with a sound file via the icon setup boxes. The
specified sound plays when that alarm event is at the top of the
alarm queue (highest priority). This alarm sound plays
repeatedly until the alarm is acknowledged. If no sound card is
installed in the Excalibur PC, DO NOT SELECT ANY
SOUND FILES from the icon setup boxes.
Sound files can be unique to each icon, or specific sounds can
be set for certain groups of icons. Examples include different
sounds for different priority alarms, or different sound for
alarms in different areas of a facility.
The alarm sound file is selected for each icon from the .WAV
files in the DATA directory. The sound files must be in the
DATA directory defined via the System Setup program to be
selected via the icon setup dialog boxes.
Several Icons can be configured to control devices, such as
doors, lights, gates, and other electrical accessories, using the
auxiliary relays in AD Receivers or AD Relay Followers.
These relays must be configured as follows:
- All relays used for gate control must be defined as
momentary. The gate control functions pulse these relays
for one (1) second upon activation.
- All other relays (including door control relays) must be
defined as latching. Door icons can be operated as
“momentary” release, but the relays must be set for latching
at the Receiver. To momentarily activate a latching relay,
Excalibur activates the relay when the icon is pressed, then
de-activates the relay when the icon is released.