Kindle Paperwhite User’s Guide, 3rd Edition
Chapter 3
Acquiring & Managing Kindle Content
Your personal documents are saved in the Cloud if they were emailed to your Kindle and you
have enabled Personal Document Archiving. Personal content that was stored on your
previous Kindle, but was not emailed to it, will need to be transferred manually.
To download content stored in the Cloud to your new Kindle:
On the Home screen, tap My Library in the top left of the Home screen.
On your library page, tap All in the top left of the screen.
To transfer personal content that was stored on your Kindle, but not emailed to it:
Connect your Kindle to a computer using the supplied USB cable.
Manually transfer the files/folders to the Documents folder.
Removing items from your Kindle
To free up space on your Kindle, you can remove items by tapping the Menu icon on the
item's cover when in grid view or on the right side of the screen when in list view, then
tapping Remove from Device. You can also view this option by pressing and holding on a
collection's name or cover. The remove options are contextual, which means they change
depending on the type of content you are trying to remove. Your content will remain securely
stored in the Cloud for download at a later time. Your personal documents are only saved in
the Cloud if they were emailed to your Kindle and you have enabled Personal Document
Archiving. Note that files transferred to your Kindle using the USB cable will be permanently
deleted when you remove them, because they are not stored in the Cloud.
Newspapers and magazines are stored in folders by periodical name. When you open the
folder, you can select All to view all of the periodicals you have stored in the Cloud or
Downloaded to view just the issues downloaded to your Kindle. Issues that are more than
eight issues old will be automatically deleted from your device to free up space for new
content. Newspapers that are more than 14 issues old, and magazines that are more than 40
issues old, will be automatically deleted from the Cloud. "Expiring" next to an issue indicates
that it will be deleted soon. Press and hold on a periodical folder to view the following
options: Download Latest Issue and Remove All Back Issues.
You can view more options when you tap the Menu icon located on the periodical's cover
when in grid view or on the right side of the screen when in list view. Options include Add to
Collection, Go To First Page, Go To Sections & Articles, Search This Issue, Keep This Issue,
View Notes & Marks, View Back Issues, and Delete This Issue. You can also view these options
by pressing and holding on the name or cover of the issue.
There are two ways to keep a copy of an issue on your device:
On your library screen, tap Downloaded, then tap the Menu icon located on the issue's cover
when in grid view or on the right side of the screen when in list view. Select Keep This Issue
from the options. You can also view this option by pressing and holding on the name or cover
of the issue.