Kindle Paperwhite User’s Guide, 3rd Edition
Chapter 4
Reading Kindle Documents
Notes and highlights
You can add notes and highlights by pressing and holding on text, then dragging your finger
across the screen to select it.
Highlighting Tips:
To highlight to the next page, drag your finger to the bottom right corner of the screen and
the page will turn. You can highlight across multiple pages by continuing to drag your finger
to the bottom right corner of the screen.
To highlight to the previous page, drag your finger to the top left corner of the screen and the
page will turn. You can highlight across multiple pages by continuing to drag your finger to
the top left corner of the screen.
To edit the range of your highlight after you have selected it, press and hold on the handle at
the start or end of the highlight and drag your finger across the screen to the desired location.
For most device languages, handles only appear when you have selected two or more words.
To add a note, highlight a single word, multiple words, or a sentence, then tap Note.
Additional options include highlighting the selected text, sharing with friends on Goodreads
and other social networks, and searching the book, all text, or the Kindle Store. Tap the Menu
icon on the options bar to view more options, including opening the dictionary and reporting
an error with the content. You can also swipe through the different cards to view the X-Ray
topic (if available), dictionary definition, Wikipedia entry, and an option to translate the
selected word.
Notes will appear as superscripted numbers within the text. To view a note the next time you
visit that page, simply tap on the number. You can view all of your notes and highlights by
tapping the Go To option on the secondary toolbar when reading and tapping the Notes tab.
The notes and highlights closest to your current reading location will display first in the list.
You can also view notes by tapping the Menu icon and selecting Notes.
If several other Kindle users have highlighted a particular passage in the book you are
reading, you will see that passage underlined. To turn off these highlights, tap the Quick
Actions icon on the toolbar, then tap All Settings. On the Settings page, tap Reading Options,
Notes & About This Book, and change the Popular Highlights setting. You can also display
notes and highlights from people that you follow on To turn off
this option, tap the Quick Actions icon on the toolbar, then tap All Settings. On the Settings
page, tap Reading Options, Notes & About This Book, and change the Public Notes setting. The
Popular Highlights and Public Notes features are not supported in all countries.
Notes and highlights are added to a file in your library called My Clippings. When
Whispersync for Books is set to Enabled, these items are stored in the Cloud for you so they
won't be lost. To manage the Whispersync for Books setting, tap the Quick Actions icon on the
toolbar, then tap All Settings. On the Settings page, tap Device Options, Personalize your
Kindle, Advanced Options, then Whispersync for Books.